
What is literature?

Those who read the aesthetic (artistic ) written to provide a satisfaction , or even if such an objective can reach this level of formal and contextual features of all written works of literature is called . Literature is a form of expression . Thoughts and feelings beautifully and effectively be defined as the art of telling . Any text can be considered works of literature should carry artistic values … Read the rest

Literary Authors

ANDERSON, SHERWOOD Winesburg, Ohio (1919)

ANDERSON, SHERWOOD Winesburg, Ohio (1919)

Winesburg, Ohio, is a cycle comprising 21 short stories plus one prefatory story, โ€œThe Book of the Grotesque.โ€ That initial story introduces the concept that runs through the rest of the stories: People dominated by one idea become grotesque, even if that one idea is true. The stories, each focusing on a particular resident, comprise a mini-population or representation of the town itself. Because Winesburg, … Read the rest